Users must enter the page name before getting to the form (default)
Page name formula:
Title of form for new pages:
Title of form for existing pages:
Define form buttons and inputs (all will be enabled if none are selected):
Free text input Summary input Minor edit input Watch input Save input Preview input Changes input Cancel input
Allow multiple instances of this template
Output format: Table Side infobox Plain text Sections
The following fields are useful if there can be multiple instances of this template.
Text of button to add another instance (default is "Add another"):
Name of property to connect this template's fields to the rest of the page: (should only be used if this template can have multiple instances)
Name: Display label:
This field can hold a list of values
Display this field always Display if not empty Hide
Input type (leave blank to set to default): text text with autocomplete textarea textarea with autocomplete date datetime year checkbox dropdown radiobutton checkboxes listbox combobox tree category categories instantimage datepicker timepicker datetimepicker menuselect regexp two listboxes
Enter parameter names and their values as key=value pairs, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"). For example: size=20, mandatory
Text that will be printed before the field:
Field description: Show description as pop-up tooltip
Name (leave blank to set to field name):
Name (leave blank to set to field name): Type: Page Text Code Boolean Number Geographic coordinates Temperature Date Email URL Annotation URI Telephone fnumber Record Quantity
This property will link to pages that use the form: (for Page properties only)
If you want this property to only be allowed to have certain values, enter the list of allowed values, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"):
Section name: Section level:    1 2 3 4 5 6
Enter parameter names and their values as key=value pairs, separated by commas (if a value contains a comma, replace it with "\,"). For example: rows=10, mandatory
Name (leave blank to set to field name): Type: Page Text Code Boolean Number Geographic coordinates Temperature Date Email URL Annotation URI Telephone 0ber Record Quantity